Thursday, February 02, 2006

of winter colours

Oh, I had so many plans. I had timetables and lists, this will happen, then that will happen, then the other and another and the next. But the dominoes fell the wrong way, and the other and another and the next are still undone.

Ah, I seem to be feeling not blue, but muted. So, a quick report, possible rambling, and a question at the end.

Olympic Training

Is pending the arrival of inspiration (and books). The pre-game cardigan, mentioned earlier, and shown above, is started, and meant to be finished for the opening ceremony. I have one week. It is garter stitch. It will need sewing. I still need to make olympic charts. Bets, anyone?

But the Habu yarn, of 'paper' (a specially treated linen) and silk mohair, in perfect winter colours, is fascinating, if slow to work, and very, very strong - the kitten* took the knitting for a run, the length and back of a living room via two chairs and a trunk, without it breaking. And Japanese charts are breathtaking in their simplicity and economy, and actually rather fun to work with. Once used error has been corrected.

Pixeldiva (go visit, she does take beautiful photographs) mentioned the wonderful tata-tatao site, built by a Japanese couple devoted to knitting, who will take you gently by the hand, and guide you through. It is a great resource if you ever do need help with Japanese patterns (but you still need to get over the hump caused by user idiocy and error).

And finally, cats are meant to dislike citrus, no? So why was the kitten* caught dipping her paw into the home-made lemon curd, again?

* the kitten is currently on time-out for bad behaviour. Therefore she is being referred to either as 'the kitten', or by her full name of Frangipani Weasel.