....of yarny goodness, to set you up good and proper for a long day ahead of serious yarn shopping at your nearest yarn extravaganza.
For seriously, is not this bowl of chocolate and raspberry sweetness better than a bowl of cornflakes, or highly fruit-and-nutted-museli?
Officially, a bowl full of Posh Yarns, of cashmere Incense. Because a long time ago, I had a cone of something or other that I cannot remember (no, my stash is not out of control), which Blueadt rather liked. So it only seemed right and proper that Blueadt got the cone, and in return I would get something. Only I forgot that I had done this (once again, my stash is not out of control, and nor is my memory for yarns in it, due to be in it, due to be used, due to be part of it at some unspecified time in the future, when I first see them, but are only in potentia at the present). Blueadt, on the other hand, has a firm grasp of all things yarny in her life (you can check out her stash on Ravelry, if you don't believe me), and did remember. And recently, I was presented with the above. Which are beautiful, and pettable enough that they probably deserve actual pet names, and good enough to eat. So many thanks Blueadt.
And then, to make things even better and brighter, the postie knocked the other day, and presented me with a package all the way from America, which contained things that smell nice (yay for smellies, that aid the hiding in the bath to soothe away the day), and things to keep food usefully hot in (yay for the funky hot-bag, which also, happily and conveniently, nicely holds a travelling yarn project), and yet more yarny goodness. So good, that surely snacking on this would be better than a hearty bowl of porridge. Or better than a bowl of Cranachan?
In colours that make me want to dye my hair to match (the colours of the yarn - not the blondeness, though I would dye my hair blonde, if it would guarantee a regular supply of Dizzy Blonde Yarns). So yay for JenLa, who sent delicious things many, many miles, to bring berry, berry goodness into my stash. (The fact that this sits not in my stash, but on my desk, is in no way any kind of indication that I in any way acknowledge that my stash may be a place of growing black hole-ness. For I am in control of my stash, my stash does not control me.) So many thanks JenLa. (Oh, and you just have to check out La's Serenity blanket. Lace, and Joss love, can it get any better?)
The actual knitting show went well, greatly aided by my fellow traveller, and arch-map-reader (and map-annotater - she found a pencil loose in the car), Knitterbelle (and the less said about buckets of beans and Cattlemens Associations the better). Though shopping was severely limited by my standing on the KCG stand for much of the day (but shopping was still managed - in a somewhat panicky fashion, but please to remember that this is in no ways any sign that the stash is in control, it has not achieved sentience, and in no ways is it directing me in any kind of mind-control fashion to feed it to epic proportions, so that it may take over the house), under the careful eye of WyeSue. I wonder if WyeSue's watchfulness had anything to do with my ever constant need to invite people in, possibly a trifle loudly, to 'Come and look at Sue's knitted knickers'? No, surely not. (Though they are deeply fabulous, and well worthy of looking at.)
Despite all the recent doom and gloom, life is actually pretty damned marvellous, what with presents, and knitting shows, and knitting actually happening (you can just wait for the actual info on that), and just generally many fun things to do. And winter solstice getting nearer, so soon the days will get longer. Yay.
(Excuse me, but I think I hear the stash calling. Apparently the Habu has been misbehaving, and calling the Wensleydale a country yokel, and the Jamieson's colours need separating, because the greens have been mixing with the yellows again. And I need to arm myself with a couple of 150cm circs before I go in. Not that the stash is out of control, or anything.)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
there is nothing like a bowl....
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I really, really, really, really....
.... want to have a major whine-fest. I mean really. I want to bitch and moan and whinge, and shout and cry and stamp my feet, and throw absolutely every single breakable toy out of my pram.
Hmmm, I think, among other well-whingeable things, that S.A.D. might be kicking in big-time this year (a month or so to go, and the days will start to get longer...).
And I haven't made time to tell of the (yet more, I'm very, very spoiled this year) presents from near and far.
And I haven't made time to tell of the yarn-related activities.
But tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I will be playing at a knitting show.
And then, I shall come back, and be a cat for the rest of the winter....
(okay, so my new motto is: 'don't have anything [nice] to say, post pictures of sleeping cats instead'. Sorry.)
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Thursday, November 01, 2007
whoopsie cushions
I took this picture, so I'll use it, goshdarnit. (Anything else that might have happened in yesterday's post is a completely innocent mistake, so apologies to all concerned....)
One cat, one evil cat, who has been known to swipe me in the eye, for not vacating her sofa quick enough. Keeping my dinner warm for me, and adding that extra special spicy flavour.... Perhaps this is a hint that I should up my home-cooked food consumption, and stop with the take-away....
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